Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Appointment #2

Yay! Heard my baby's heartbeat today! And just, for good measure, I recorded it. Excuse my belly.

That's a hand-held doppler she's using.  And it's my midwife's assistant, Tiffany, who is finding the heartbeat.  Baby was super cooperative- Tiffany found the heartbeat right away- so I rewarded him or her with a grilled Italian from Capriotti's. For the baby, of course.   Next up is my ultrasound in a few weeks! Whoo-oo! How does that work, you ask? My midwife, Sherry, refers me to an imaging center and the imaging center calls me and sets up an appointment.  My insurance will cover the cost of the ultrasound.  It was fun, too, to chat more with my midwife and get to know her better.  She's super cool, and we're definitely forming a friendship. 

I love getting my half-way-there ultrasound.  It's so exciting to see your baby and a) see that's it's growing alright and b) find out the gender.  We have four girls, so statistically, we're headed for another girl.  After you have three of one gender, it's not 50/50 anymore.  You're actually more likely to keep having the SAME gender. Wierd, huh?  So in about three weeks we'll find out if that's holding true for us or if we'll break the mold.  We're excited either way.  Although, if we end up with another girl I am SO calling my hubby Tevye (as in Fiddler on the Roof) or Mr. Bennet (as in Pride & Prejudice).  There are so many great Fiddler soundbites already rolling around my head....

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